Thursday, 26 February 2015

Brief Presentation

Brief Notes 

These are key words written down on sticky notes taken from both the briefs. I decided to write them down on sticky notes so that they could be taken apart and explored further dividing into specifications of the assignment.
 Initial layout dividing into requirments, specifications, location, design process, and the due dates, these were in no specific order.
 Developed break down, looking at the specifications that I needed to meet to complete this assignment and specifications that I needed to consider.
Group Work creating master brief:
- addressing the key points between the two briefs and defining in a process of working.

Brief Notes

Performing on an unCommon ground: Notes

- Tautoko - stand up and support
- hedonists - indulging. pleasure
- kaupapa - gender
- three learning outcomes
        - will have to reflect on these/ respond to reflection

Some keys words in OISTAT TAC Brief
- design of a floating theatre
- audience of 200-300 people
- no more than 20 performers
- easily moved to another location

Some key words in 224.357 Brief
- develop your own individual practice and critical response
- tautoko -support - defone/refine
- Holzmarkt - 'no mans land' ; urban community
- temporary floating theatre
- river Spree in Berlin, Germany
- an agenda/ issue which you are passionate about


Assessment 1