Thursday 5 March 2015

Design Ideas

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A type of performance for the people entering the space e.g. slowing them down, different levels to create this, shapes, welcoming but the more you walk in the more there is to do e.g. shapes become larger and more dramatic.

        - Di Johannes Pliz, Barcelona - Performing Arts Centre

The former industrial area of Barcelona and powerhouse of the city, Poblenou, has offered the urban playground for a topic-controlled development. Embedded into the Cerdà-grid, the Performing Arts Centre is there to become the stage of the city by providing the opportunity to give the new urban development area of Poblenou its identity.
I am interested in this design as it has a strong entrance accessible to everyone, but still allows for a permeative atmosphere as you can walk down the ramp or you can step down like stairs, or even a mixture of both, depending on where you enter the space.

Shape of theatre/ float:

No specific shape flowing from the shapes already there e.g. Holzmarkt building around river - building with the community taking these ideas and exploring them further.


Holzmarkt area has a lot of wood, recylced, different coloured, textured, smooth, store small canvas (tents), greeny trees, plants in pots, logs, water, industrial steel, brick (old buildings) bright coloured lights, shipping container, sad/dirt.

Stage? for music performance?: Shape oval?, roof?, arched roof? canvas roof?